The latest and greatest outdoor gear for lovers of adventure—and good design
This Colorado gear maker continues to push the boundaries of sleek design and adventure gear with a new pack that's super-light and super-durable
The Scout Bike Alarm and Finder is a clever new solution to deterring would-be thieves and tracking down your bike should they be successful
Made with heavy, 17 oz recycled wool, this handsome and practical Canadian-made button down is a must-have, adventure photographer Taylor Burk
The Bend, OR-based company makes durable, lightweight drinkware and lidded bowls we love for camp meal prep and storing leftovers at home
A retro styled sling, tote, and camera pouch designed for daily use, from photo brand Moment and photographers Willem Verbeeck and Allison Simon
Head-to-toe apparel and accessories to keep you comfortable during rainy season bike commutes and weekend adventures
The celebrated French Canadian discusses his early days in Montreal, tricks to getting good images outdoors, documenting climbs in iconic destinations
Using extensive experience making ultralight backpacking gear, the Maine-based brand's new 55L backcountry bag expertly balances form and function
Doggy sleeping bags, K9 camp cots, plush pads and more, plus tips for choosing the best dog bed for your pup
Whether you're hitting the climbing gym, headed to the track, doing chin-ups on a tree branch or going to Gold's, these bags will get your gear there
Our top camping gear picks for getting you out further while being comfortable enough to stay longer
The originators of the climbing pant expand their line with weatherproof outerwear and seasonal remixes of casual-active bottoms