The best hiking gear for men & women, from boots to backpacks and everything in between

The activist skated 700 miles from San Francisco to Mexico to learn how to make the world a better place

The result of a single roll of film shot over 3 days at Juniper Ridge's anti-tradeshow Desert & Denim

Inside the network of stunning public shelters spanning 17 sites along the barren Baltic coastline, built for nature lovers

A few days of lonely hiking to stave off cabin fever in the 24 hour daylight of the Arctic Circle

Stunning photos from a trip of a lifetime through the beautiful and foreboding French, Swiss, and Italian Alps

Two days, 20 miles, 6 alpine lakes, and a single roll of film from the heart of the Pacific Northwest

An arduous trek and a restless night made great by good company and panoramic views of Oregon's iconic Cascade Mountains

French craftsmanship with an attention to detail of the likes only Japan can offer