
The latest and greatest outdoor gear for lovers of adventure—and good design

Auto Maker Rivian Introduces the All-Electric R1T Truck and R1S SUV
The Future of Adventuremobiles Is All-Electric

Two adventure-ready rigs with gear-specific storage, a 400-mile range, and zero emissions. Oh, and they can hit 0-60 in just 3 seconds

Backcountry Introduces the Touring Collection for Winter 2019
The Future of Gear Might Just be One Retailer, One Brand

Park City-based retailer Backcountry continues to rollout tech-driven product under its eponymous label, and you should be paying attention

Chaco Introduces Grateful Dead Collaboration Sandals
Deadheads Rejoice: Chaco Now Makes Grateful Dead Sandals

Available in Z/1 and Z/2 sandal styles, the Grateful Dead collection by Chaco features iconic symbols and designs inspired by the legendary jam band.

United By Blue Introduces Puffer Collection Made With Bison Insulation
Why Sustainable Apparel Brand United By Blue Is Betting Big on Bison

The Philadelphia-based brand believes the 50% bison fur, 50% recycled polyester insulation is the future of down alternatives

PNW Outfitter Tillak Introduces the World's Most Versatile Waterproof Backpack
The World's Most Versatile Waterproof Backpack Is Now on Kickstarter

Rethinking the quiver with a single modular backpack system capable of taking you (and all your gear) from the city to the backcountry, with style

Everlane Fights Virgin Plastic With Recycled Outerwear Line
New Outerwear Line Fights Single-use Plastic and Looks Great

Stylish fleece and puffers for men and women made from 3,000,000 recycled plastic bottles, and a brand-wide pledge to go new plastic-free by 2021

Park Ranger-Inspired Footwear From Fronteer
New Sneaker Brand Rethinks the US Park Ranger Uniform For Fall

New silhouettes and classic lines offer a conceptual alternative to the standard issue fits worn across America

REI Introduces the Wallace Lake Lifestyle Collection
REI Introduces Its First Ever Lifestyle Apparel Collection

Drawing on 80 years of experience, the Seattle co-op now offers retro outdoor vibes for boys and girls, at a reasonable price point

Outdoor Voices Introduces Men's Running Shorts
The Best Men's Running Shorts Are Here, Courtesy Outdoor Voices

All the beautiful design and playful vibes you've come to expect from OV, now with even more performance

Danner Boots Teams With United By Blue on Sustainable Bison Collection
Danner Boots Teams With United By Blue on Sustainable Bison Collection

An American-made collaboration featuring bison leather boots and sustainably harvested bison down socks for men and women

The WAYKS ONE Modular Backpack Is All You Need in One Minimalist Package
This New Modular Backpack Is All You Need in One Minimalist Package

A travel-ready backpack, EDC roll-top rucksack, camera bag, and more, designed by a brother and sister team in Berlin

Japan's Goldwin Introduces SS18 Lifestyle Line
Japan's Goldwin Introduces SS18 Lifestyle Line

The legendary technical outerwear label puts half a century of outdoor experience into ... a minimalist urban collection

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