The latest and greatest outdoor gear for lovers of adventure—and good design
After successfully bucking the mainstream in running, the Paris-based brand aims to prove technical climbing apparel need not be bland
In a plastic-filled world, maybe it's time to challenge the idea that cotton is a poor material for hiking, camping, running, and exploring outside
Inside the problem solving and design process of the new lightweight hybrid approach shoe, moving athletes over mountains like never before
In a true wilderness emergency, a strong, sharp, reliable blade can be your ticket to fire, shelter, and survival—they're also fun for regular camping
Two decades since invention, Crocs are more popular than ever. And so are the many Croc like shoes from other trusted names in the footwear world
Whether you're trekking across the Grand Canyon or through Grand Central, you'll want a pair of supportive and responsive shoes to get you going
New OpenAI integration and location sharing are making the award-winning app better then ever at helping hikers find and safely explore trails
From commuting to wandering foreign locales, these totepacks will help keep you organized and stylish during your adventures
Constructing your own garments isn’t as complex as it seems, as long as you take it one stitch at a time
Tested over hundreds of miles and different types of terrain from Utah to Wyoming, these hiking sandals can handle it all
The Japanese outfitter releases a head-to-toe capsule of weatherproof apparel designed in its signature minimalist aesthetic
Tested on the rugged backroads and singletrack of British Columbia, this kit goes fast, far, and looks good along the way