The latest and greatest outdoor gear for lovers of adventure—and good design
My personal favorite essential (and non-essential) gear upgrades that work for my Subaru Crosstrek and other extra-regular cars, trucks, and rigs
Exploring the next generation of Merrell’s legendary lightweight Moab hiking shoes and boots anchored by custom developed Vibram rubber outsoles
How the cult sandal brand's comfy new clog stacks up against daily wear in town, while. traveling, and of course, on the trail
All you need to know about the most legendary, underrated, and rightly hyped 35mm and 120 medium format rangefinders, SLRs, and point & shoot cameras
Color negative film, reversal film, transparency film, E-6—slide film goes by many names but understanding and using it is much more straightforward
Not sure which kind of 35mm film to use for a cloudy day? What about for a Wes Anderson look? We've got the answers
Looking to move beyond 35mm and into the increasingly popular realm of medium format film? We got you (Spoiler: it's 120, not 120mm)
The camera bag pros at Peak Design finally built a backpack for shooting outdoors, so our photographer took one to the French Alps
From the most popular and sought after to the true underrated (and cheap) workhorses, we present the best 35mm film cameras still available today
A pro photographer's take on the trendy little 35mm rangefinder first released in 1997 (spoiler: it shoots above its class in nearly all conditions)
With larger negatives, medium format film cameras produce images that have more detail, dynamic range, and depth
38 influential outdoor brands making outerwear, apparel, camping equipment, and so much more—with characteristically cool, modern design