
The latest and greatest outdoor gear for lovers of adventure—and good design

Langly Launches Minimalist Waterproof Jacket for Photographers
Langly Introduces Sleek Weatherproof Photographer's Jacket

From camera bags to fully functional outerwear, this LA-based brand is an adventure photographer's dream

The Field x Huckberry Shop Spring Camp Update
Spring Camp Update to The Field x Huckberry Shop

A selection of design-minded gear and apparel to help you make the most of the season outdoors

Snow Peak Insect Shield Pants and Jacket
Snow Peak Introduces Insect Repellent Camping Kit

Forget the nasty chemical sprays, this hyper lightweight wearable mosquito net is your ticket to a bug bite-free camping season

Afield Out Introduces Punk-Inspired Apparel for Outsiders
Afield Out Introduces Punk-Inspired Line for Outsiders

A look at the debut collection of outdoor apparel and equipment from the new California brand

The Climbing Collection from NYC Outfitter Westerlind
NYC Outfitter Westerlind Introduces Climbing Collection with Gary Neptune

A modest collection of classic, unisex apparel inspired by the pioneers of alpine mountaineering

Gear Review: HOKA ONE ONE x Engineered Garments SS18 Hupana
HOKA ONE ONE Teams with NYC's Engineered Garments on SS18 Special Release

Six playful sneaker designs round out this surprise collaboration with celebrated menswear designer Daiki Suzuki

North St. Bags Introduces Weekender Collection
North St. Bags Introduces Weekender Collection

Modular, travel-friendly luggage made to order in Portland, Oregon

Homecamp: Stories and Inspiration for the Modern Adventurer
Book Report: Homecamp, A Visual Guide to Modern Adventure

New hardcover features stunning photography & stories of natural discovery from 40+ influential creatives, Field Mag included

Danner x Topo Designs Made in USA Collaboration
A Made in USA Collab Between Topo Designs and Danner

Two timeless, hardwearing designs get a luxe, modern update

Six Design-Driven Fleece Jackets
6 Fleece Jackets Blending Form and Function

The perfect combination of tech, style, and coziness, from brands both established and emerging

Taylor Stitch Moto Apparel Collection Is Stronger Than Steel
This Everyday Outfit Is 14x Stronger Than Steel

USA made Dyneema denim, rugged leather boots, and a sturdy flannel for adventuring in town and out

Fjell x Handson Grip MT Kobe Mountain Mitten
Fjell x Handson Grip MT Kobe Mountain Mitten

Nordic aesthetics meet Japanese craftsmanship in new collaboration

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