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It's no secret that the outdoor gear industry has been (and is often still) guilty of blatantly ripping off Native American and Indigenous cultures' art and design for their own personal gain. Rumpl, the Portland-based, nature-inspired blanket brand, is speaking out about this injustice, taking responsibility for their past partakings, and taking action to make changes in regards to the ongoing wrongdoing in the industry.
Earlier this week Rumpl released the latest limited-edition collection of blankets, featuring artwork by Jordan Ann Craig and Darby Raymond-Overstreet, both Native American artists and two of the newest members of the Rumpl Artist Division (RAD) program.

"Brands should embrace Native artists if they want to incorporate Native designs into their products. They should celebrate Native ideas, Native designs, Native artists, and Native voices." — Darby Raymond-Overstreet
Jordan Ann Craig is a Northern Cheyenne artist based in the Bay Area whose work draws on Indigenous textiles, pottery, and landscapes. Jordan has two designs, 'Woven Daydream' and 'Keep Me Warm' shown on four different products in Rumpl's new collection. Darby Raymond-Overstreet is a member of the Navajo Nation and an award-winning printmaker and designer. Darby has one design, 'Sundown' available on three products.
“Regrettably and naively, we have appropriated Indigenous design concepts in the past. Thankfully, our community let us know, helped us learn about the issues and create a program to do this the right way. In partnering with Jordan Craig, Darby Raymond-Overstreet and the First Peoples Fund, Rumpl is taking the first step in our commitment to represent Indigenous art correctly and respectfully... We are so proud of what this collection represents and hope it can inspire other brands to further support marginalized and underrepresented communities of artists.”
— Rumpl CEO & Founder Wylie Robinson

We're more than excited to see this long-delayed recognition for the Native American artists that have so heavily influenced fashion, modern design, and popular culture. To go even further, a portion of sales will directly benefit First Peoples Fund, an organization committed to honoring and supporting Indigenous artists and culture bearers—and that has directly supported Jordan and Darby in their practice. You can also donate directly to the fund here.

Published 08-21-2020