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Cold water therapy—aka the cold plunge—has taken the wellness world by storm in recent years. And the trend only seems to be heating up (lol sorry). Leaders in the space, Plunge, who seemingly kicked off the craze in 2020 and following up with an impressive sauna kit earlier this year, have done well to make at-home cold plunging a thing. With the innovative all-new Plunge All-In, released today, 18 October 2023, the brand leading the space in technology and aesthetics takes a significant step farther ahead of it's competitors—at least for premium audiences.
What makes the Plunge All-In in the ultimate cold plunge tub for at-home cold water therapy is its sleek design that integrates the brand's newly engineered water chilling unit and clean water circulation system into the tub itself. (Previously, all the mechanics had to be housed outside the tub.) The new All-In can chill water down to 37 degrees and circulates clean water every 10 minutes.
I had the opportunity to test the new Plunge All-In here in NYC a few weeks back and found the experience invigorating—certainly having the Plunge Sauna just steps away (photo below) made it easier to stomach.

Now, the All-In won't replace the original design, though it is a more actualized version of what Plunge Co-founders Michael Garrett and Ryan Duey had always dreamed of. "we've had prototypes of [the all-in] for about two years," says Garrett. "So that It was always the intention to get here." As for what's next? "We'll also be looking at bigger designs, like a four person hot tub in 2024."
For those not interested in waiting, a premium Plunge All-In upgrade teased on the site and in conversation with Garrett, turns the new design into a hot tub, too. Though details are scarce at the moment, an option on the site now does offer "Hot & Cold" for an additional $600. We'll update this story with more details once available, but having a tub that can function both as a hot tub and cold plunge is a true game changer.

As for those still not on the cold plunge bandwagon? Michael Garrett is doubling down on the mental benefits. "For skeptics, it's not physical recovery. It's the mental high. It's the neuro cocktail they call it—it’s dopamine, endorphins, norepinephrine, the metabolism boost. The cold shock response is very real. I mean it's how humans survived in like Europe 20,000 years ago, right? Our bodies have this mechanism that helps us survive that we just hack by having this beautiful plunge, every day.
The Plunge All-In is now available from Plunge for $8,990. With the "Cold & Hot" upgrade selling for $$9,590. Save yourself $250 off an All-In setup with code "FMALLIN250" :)
FAQ aka Pro Tips from Plunge Co-Founder Michael Garrett
What is the best temperature and plunge duration for first timers and beginners?
“We recommend like 55 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit to start. Anything sub 60 degrees will do the trick. And then one minute to 90 seconds is kind of the minimum viable dose.
"After you last this long, a lot of people are able to push through to the two or three minutes because the first minute is just way harder. Once that metabolism gets going you kind of settle in and then you can break through to the three minute mark.”
Personal tips for getting over the shock, finding focus, and learning how to cold plunge like a pro?
“A little bit of movement before helps—just do some squats, do some pushups, get the blood flowing. That can help. But really, it's just mental. You just have to jump in. I think if you get in slower, it's much harder.
“My routine, I do 30 really intentional breaths and then I get in the plunge, dunk my head, get my hands in, get everything wet immediately, and then just start focusing on my breathing.
“Deep breaths, long exhales—this calms the body. And if you feel tension in your muscles, you want to just try to physically release it with focus. So it’s kind of a body scan for the muscles and then just follow your breath and that's kind of it.”
Published 10-18-2023