This roundup is part of our modest look back at a big year for Field Mag. To keep tabs on our weekly deployments of photo essays, gear news, and cabin features in 2020, subscribe to the Field Report newsletter.

5. How to Develop Black & White Film at Home With Coffee
"Regardless of how you discovered film photography, chances are your relationship to processing extends only so far as the counter at your local camera store or post office. And for good reason—the chemicals are toxic, tedious, and temperamental, for starters. Enter Caffenol, the incredible liquid concoction that develops black & white film using instant coffee and washing soda to replace the nasty chemicals found in traditional developing agents. By the end of this article, you’ll have all the steps needed to develop film at home."

4. Film Photo Essay from Backpacking California’s Iconic John Muir Wilderness
“After catching an obligatory view of Half Dome we beat a hasty retreat and continued east, with a quick stop in Mammoth before climbing into the mountains above Big Pine. From there the next three days served up a smorgasbord of good times—from drinking lake-chilled beers and reading under glorious sunsets to scrambling out of a heat wave up to the southernmost glacier in the United States, talking late into the night and sharing whiskey as heat lightning danced above our heads." READ FULL ARTICLE

3. The 8 Best A-Frame Cabins on Airbnb for Outdoor Lovers
“We love a classic A-Frame. You love a classic A-Frame. We all love a classic A-Frame. And we all need more A-Frames in our lives (and admittedly, owning isn’t in the cards for most of us). So, we've scoured the internet and found eight highlights available for rent, from California and the PNW to Utah, New York, and more.” READ FULL ARTICLE

2. Indigenous Film Photographer Judianne Thomson on Shooting Nudes, How to Avoid a Colonialist Mentality When Traveling, and the Battle Against Social Media Creeps
"People are not thinking about where they're going or if the land they're stepping on could be sacred land—and it often is. It's worrisome for us in our communities." READ FULL ARTICLE

1. Why The Ideal Adventure Rig Isn't a Van—It's a Pickup Truck
"Some travelers are content on paved roads, visiting well-trodden national parks and highlight-reel tourist traps. Not me. I live in a Toyota Tacoma. Simple means in a reliable truck. And Solitude is at a premium and I do my best to find it whenever possible. It crawls over rocks, rips through mud, and accesses places that almost no van would ever even consider.” READ FULL ARTICLE
Published 12-27-2019