Located on the edge of a forest in a natural clearing at the foot of a grand Austrian mountain range, this curious concrete cabin stands among wild grass in the summer and snow in the winter months. The unique, four-story monolithic design by Marte.Marte Architects is a striking, yet clever, use of material and space, designed to stand for generations to come, regardless of what weather climate change brings about.

The rough, hand formed concrete exterior is imposing and oddly familiar, sitting on undisturbed land with large cutout windows of varying sizes and terrace railings that match the hue of the neighboring forest. Inside untreated oak flooring and window frames remind of farm houses native to the region.

At its base two corner columns support and divide the structure, connecting upper and lower living quarters. The entrance to the home is just here, where the two sub-structures meet up a flight of stairs—guests are met at the front door with a panoramic view while being completely sheltered from the elements. The design is quite clever.

It may not be for everyone, but the hyper minimal cabin design is certainly one to admire. At the very least it's a welcomed departure from the expected.